GRN GLOBE has been on a mission to reduce the use of as many petroleum-based products as possible since most of which are harmful to our environment. Think about it like educating people to switch to wind or electric energy, we aim to inspire people to be more watchful when considering what type of packaging to use and choose products that are less harmful. So we strive to provide better environmental alternatives for food businesses to package their tasty creations!
Our policy makers have already started to take measures to implement bans on some petroleum based products which are harmful to our environment. Making it more costly to use such products that are damaging to our mother nature. As developing countries have already imposed restrictions that prevent North American Countries to ship our waste and recyclables to be processed by developing nations, this was never a solution to the problem.
We should be responsible for our own waste and we must find a better solution. Simple actions like being mindful about choosing what types of materials to use is a small step to take but a important one! Lets work together and make a change!
why consider fibre?
GRN GLOBE offers a vast collection of fibre compostable products for all your food packaging needs. With our customizable fibre blend of wheat straw packaging products, you can fulfill all your food packaging requirements without inflicting any unnecessary harm to our planet. We specialize in manufacturing custom compostable food packaging products created with wheat straw fibres that are safe for people and even beneficial for our planet to reduce less waste, less landfills, less plastic. Period!
why choose us?
GRN GLOBE provides innovative and flexible solutions to help you achieve your food packaging goals without harming the environment. Our packaging solutions are for everybody! We provide a large variety of products to food distributors, grocery stores, caterers, franchises, restaurants, and independent consumers.
When you choose to use our fibre blended products we can work together and help eliminate the excessive use of plastics. Where in many cases plastics are not being recycled properly at our recycling facilities. Most of these petroleum based products ends up in our landfills where this is something that we must try to prevent to strive for a "GRN-ER" future.
For sustainable, safe, attractive, and a eco-friendly solutions to all your food packaging needs, then contact us today at INFO@GRNGLOBE.COM
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